The Imprisonment of Virtual Reality
In the imprisonment of virtual reality are clear signs
That should scare humanity. There are huge chasms
Which show pettiness, sticking to the past with horizontal gravity.
How are the post-colonized different from the post-colonizers?
The colonized have been cut to size and compelled
Not to be repelled by the white skin
As their Other can be by skins of darker colour.
The colonized have been cut to size to accept
Philosophies and perceptions generated by the West,
Knowing full well that they’re not always the best, but
Still deserve attention; human thought deserves respect.
The colonizer tries to wall himself in with a prejudice wall
He calls tradition, culture or an overall dividing blanket
Like knowhow. The Internet reflects a split world;
A deceptive deep dividing wall
So visible on Twitter and Facebook that makes
The colonizer a frog of a well, deep enough to
Preserve ignorance, refusing to look beyond.